
Dynamic Resilience Initiative (DRIVE)

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The purpose of DRIVE study is to identify and refine markers of resilience in older adults treated in the geriatric emergency department (GED). Initially, we will focus on patients with fall-related injuries, which accounted for 2,375 UCSD GED visits in 2022.

We will track short-term outcomes, such as whether patients are admitted, discharged, or return to the GED within 7 or 30 days. Long-term outcomes will include 90-day readmissions, quality of life, independence in daily activities, and mortality. Electronic health records will be reviewed for six months after the initial visit.

Blood samples will be collected at the first visit, and again at 30 and 90 days, as well as during any return GED visits. Using metabolomic, proteomic, and genetic data, we aim to identify biological markers that predict recovery and long-term outcomes.

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