Musical Production/Material Base

Audio Recording:

Below is a found audio recording made by a musician in 2822. The speaker gives us brief insight on life in 2822 for musicians and electronic production workers. Click on the tape to hear it.

Image Artifact:

This image represents how workers enjoy and are happy in the workforce due to the good working conditions and the equal pay. In the reading, “Health and Safe Policies for Electronic Workers” by Ted Smith and Chad Raphael, it states that “achieving occupational health and safety in electronics is not simply a matter of perfecting workplace regulations. While important, these regulations will only be as effective as their implementation, which depends on advancing workers’ human rights to organize and participate in workplace health monitoring, greater transparency of global supply chains to outside scrutiny, taking steps to promote safety at each step of a product’s life-cycle, requiring producers to take responsibility for recycling their electronics in ways that incentivize safer design, and sharing the benefits and burdens of the electronics industry more equitably.” In e-soci all of these health and safety conditions are in place in order to keep workers safe and happy.