U.S. Role in the Second Vietnam War

During the Second Vietnam War, the President of the United States attempted to unify the entire territory of Vietnam by assisting the South Vietnamese, but this action provoked a great deal of discontent among the American population. They believed that the U.S. involvement in the war violated the sovereignty of the Vietnamese people and deprived them of the opportunity to determine their own destiny, a view that gained more support when President Richard Milhous Nixon used Agent Orange on a large portion of the land in Vietnam, which resulted in a large number of defective children being born in a short period of time, and the residents were relocated to survive. This view gained more support when the inhabitants had to be relocated in order to survive. Most importantly, there is still no way to know if the herbicide continues to harm the local population because there is no complete scientific report on the length of time it has been used and the management programs that have been put in place, and I would like to know more about this and the recovery of the veterans and the local population.

If the paper were to be released online I think the best way to do this would be to create a game that corresponds to its historical context to allow readers to immerse themselves in the scenario and ultimately comment with their own insights, and I’d like readers to think about the significance of the war and its aftermath as they watch this content. And if this essay becomes one of our digital history sources I will consider why the war happened and why the United States sent a large number of soldiers into the Vietnam Civil War after World War II.

link: https://library.ucsd.edu/historyofucsd/index.html#ark:bb6349248w


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