Overpowering Taxes

A major reason that the colonies fought for independence was for being treated unfairly financially. Britain charged various taxes on the colonies to pay for wars, despite no say from tho colonists themselves. High taxes caused much retaliation from the colonists, including the Boston Tea Party. In the constitution, we see the desire for protection of property. Amendment 5 protects private property, while Amendment 8 prevents excessive fines. Along with this, by declaring there independence from Britain, Americans were freed from paying taxes to the king.

A Taste of Freedom

Tea played a significant role in the foundation of the United States of America. More specifically, the tax on tea helped to spur a revolution. This photo links very closely to the Declaration of Independence and our secession from the King of England. In this separation, the document declares that “All men are created equal” which holds true to enlightenment values, that then helps their cause against the King’s taxes. Thus, we come full circle from tea, to taxes, to grievances, and finally, to independence. But it doesn’t stop there. What other values could this tea bag represent? Is its revolutionary purpose isolated to that of America or does India also find some meaning in this image when they also fought British rule? It seems that even the biggest of actions and consequences can arrive from the smallest of causes.