
Chapters (juan) in overall numbering followed by biography chapters.

Empresses and imperial consorts 后妃 113-114 (1-2)
Fathers of emperors (Zhu Biao & Zhu Yuyuan) 115 (3)
Princes 諸王 116-120 (4-8)
Imperial princesses 公主 121 (9)
Prominent persons (chronologically) 122-280 (10-168)
Upright officials 循吏 281 (169)
Confucian scholars 儒林 282-284 (170-172)
Literary figures 文 苑 285-288 (173-176)
Loyal persons 忠義 289-295 (177-183)
Filial subjects 孝義 296-297 (184-185)
Hermits 隱逸 298 (186)
Shamans and healers方伎 299 (187)
Imperial male relatives by marriage 外戚 300 (188)
Virtuous women 列女 301-303 (189-191)
Eunuchs 宦官 304-305 (192-193)
Eunuch cliques 閹 黨 306 (194)
Sycophants 佞倖 307 (195)
Traitorous officials 姦 臣 308 (196)
Rebels 流賊 309 (197)
Local chieftains, by province 土 司 310-319 (198-207)
Foreign countries 外國 320-328 (208-216)
Western regions 西域 329-332 (217-220)