Words and Representation

Copra production and road construction were the main key terms that I used. I chose these key terms because they were the main topics that were focused on in my volume. Before reading these patrol reports I had no idea what the word copra meant. And I thought about changing it to dry coconut production…

Words and Representation

In identifying, the subject terms for my patrol reports and the overall volume I relied heavily on textual repetitiveness and frequent use of specific terminology.  I found it fairly-easy to recognize and compile the list into a specified key-terms section of my patrol report spreadsheet.  Additionally, I chose these specific terms because I felt it…

Words and Representation, Kyeongbin Kim

For my patrol reports that investigated West New Britain from 1961 to 1962, I chose the following subject terms to represent main points of those reports: volcanic land, plantations, medical services, taro, copra, cocoa, canoe, banana, Catholic Mission School, agriculture, water tank, savings account. I chose these particular terms among many other potential choices in…

Words and Representations – Gulf District, Kerema Station, Volume 15, 1936-1937

While reading through my volume closely, I made note of all main ideas, frequently repeated words or phrases, and anything else that seemed interesting or otherwise notable. I was then able to select subject terms and craft my aboutness statement using those notes. After careful consideration, my chosen subject terms are as follows: Inspections; Court…

Words and Representation-Central District, Port Moresby 1944-1946 Jia Li Week 4

For my aboutness statement, I first perused the primary sources, the assigned patrol reports for Central District, Port Moresby, 1944-1946. During this process, I took two types of notes respectively: a comprehensive summary of observations, key terms, key events (“key” means showing up most frequently and consistently) and aboutness statement mostly in my own words,…

Words and Representation: East Sepik District, Yangoru 1950’s

In choosing my subject terms, I attempted to streamline my terms to match the content of the reports. In keeping the terms for themes and other aspects of my reports grounded in the actual language, I felt it helped eliminate potentially personalized vocabulary choices on my behalf. My strategy was to call specific terms such…