Dear Future Students,

This is a class that will most likely be unlike any other class that you have ever taken. You will learn so much by working with your peers and community organization—skills that you would not find in a conventional classroom. 

You will also learn how to conduct an oral history interview and the process of transcribing one. 

When working with your community organization, please remember to communicate regularly and to take notes during meetings. They have a lot of valuable things to say and so listening attentively and paying attention to what they tell you will help you in this class.

For the oral history interview, please be careful in the way you word questions so as to not to lead them on to answer a certain way. Also, remember that transcribing is a lengthy process so spacing it out will help instead of doing it all at once. Talking to your interviewee, you will learn so much about their experiences that may be vastly different or similar to yours! The interview process is challenging, but it’s a very rewarding experience.


Victoria Pham