Key for Time Sheet Comments

It is important that the Writing Hub Pro Staff, as well as HR, know exactly what you are submitting time for. In an effort to standardize your timesheets, we would like everyone to utilize the “Comments” field when you add hours to your timesheet

When you report your time, add the number of “hours worked” that day. Then, click in the Comments field and break down your time. Please use the following categories to indicate hour your hours break down. All of your comments should fit into one of the following six categories:

  • Prep: This includes coming in before your shift starts to look through appointment forms, make copies, or anything else related to getting ready for your appointments. This should not exceed 15 minutes before your shift.
  • Tutoring: This is for your scheduled tutoring shift. These times should match the hours next to your name on the WCOnline calendar.
  • WH Event:  This is for the time that you represent the Writing Hub at events that occur outside of your regular Writing Hub shift, such as tabling events on Saturdays, study jams in the late evening, etc. If you represent the Writing Hub at an event during your shift, is is part of your “Tutoring” hours.
  • CRFs: This is for any additional time you spend after your shift filling out client report forms. You should ONLY claim this time when every appointment in your shift is completely booked. Please use discretion when you are claiming this time. Generally, five minutes is enough time to write one thorough and complete client report form.
  • Training: This category is only for time spent at our weekly training meeting: Tuesdays 2pm-3pm or Thursdays 4pm-5pm.
  • Pro Dev: This is for time you spend to fill out session feedback forms, incident report forms, PDA forms, etc. Use this category when you stay after your shift to fill out one of these forms. Otherwise, if you fill out these forms during your shift, it is part of your “Tutoring” hours.