Why is Latino Participation is Important?

woman wearing pink dress holding fruit

The U.S. Latino population is expected to  increase 29% percent by 2050 making them the largest growing ethnic group. As the Latino community continues to expand and age, it is crucial for researchers and clinicians to understand how certain diseases affect Latino communities to create effective treatments by understanding the needs and cultural factors that may contribute to certain diseases. Aging Latinos are more susceptible to chronic illness and there are significantly lower rates of Latinos participating in research related to aging and chronic illnesses. Latino participation is crucial for researchers to identify cultural, sociological, and environmental factors that are important to understand the different ways Latino communities are impacted. The inclusion of Latinos in research is important. To understand health disparities that need to be addressed. Your participation is important to create a strong community of Latinos to help us become aware of how we can support the community through researching illnesses that impact Latinos.