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Pedro Cabral


Today we looked at Second Life.  Second life is a game/program in a website where one can have a second life through a virtual character in virtual place.  You can pick characters and places to go.  Such as stores, water fountains, passages and many other places.  You can interact with other virtual people and characters and you are also able to speak with them live anywhere in the word.  Via chat or via microphone.  You can even change your appearance and ethnicity if you want.  You can jump, walk, run and even fly (if you have the proper “money”) so you can enjoy life as never before.  I was surprised to see that there is a program that actually does this. I don’t know how would this people or owners would make their money in real life but it is very interesting to see something like this.   Everything is so precise and realistic.  I enjoyed it a lot and the graphics and movements that one can do, are amazing.  Initially it was kind of difficult to understand it but then it’s kind of fun.  It would be interesting to understand on how virtual reality works and I think it’s a way for everyone to understand technology in many different ways.   We can also understand history much better and with a different enthusiasm.  In conclusion, living the experience of a virtual reality game can change people’s lives and it could also change the way people looks at history and/or historical events around the world.

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