The world around us

The pictures presented below are of a succulent garden, and a green roof. I think these two examples of landscaping and architecture express Schiller’s aesthetics fairly well. They both produce a picturesque scenery that complements both man made structures, and the surrounding vegetation, all while providing environmental benefits.

Image result for succulent lawn
The succulent garden uses less water than a typical grass lawn, and fairs well against hot weather, resolving the issue of opting for a barren lawn for the sake of water conservation. In addition to this, its easy maintenance provides a way of introducing newcomers to gardening, without the fear of “messing up”
Green roofs provide replace traditional roofs with vegetation growing at the top of the building. In doing this they help cool down the surrounding area via transpiration, instead of heating it, as is the case when dark roofs absorb the sunlight.

While encouraging people to make a positive impact of the environment, these structures also provide a place to be inspired. They allow people to take up new hobbies, such as drawing and gardening. They can also serve as a resting place where people can just take in the sight. In these listed benefits a person becomes moral, since they serve in their duty towards the preservation of the planet, and provide outlets where a person can self-reflect in their actions.

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