Shanai Beime joined the group
Ethnic Diversity and the City 7 years, 3 months ago
Shanai Beime commented on the post, Week 9 responses, on the site 7 years, 3 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly wrote a new post on the site Ethnic Diversity in the City Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some guidelines for f […] ViewThis week’s readings focused on refugees. There is hysteria in the world that there is currently a “refugee crisis”. In reality, there have always been large populations of people displaced by war, natural disasters, and other hardships. What I have noticed that has changed over time is American politics over how many people are allowed to…[Read more]
Shanai Beime commented on the post, Week 7 responses, on the site 7 years, 3 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly wrote a new post on the site Ethnic Diversity in the City Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some guidelines for f […] ViewI enjoyed how relevant this week’s conversation on immigration was. I appreciate this class for creating the space for people to feel comfortable enough to share their personal stories. The readings contextualized the creation of citizenship, the reasoning behind some immigration sentiments, and policies. However, the discussions we have in class…[Read more]
Shanai Beime commented on the post, Week 4 responses, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly wrote a new post on the site Ethnic Diversity in the City Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some guidelines for f […] ViewThis week’s reading highlighted a common urban development issue: gentrification. In theory this is supposed to be a positive instance where new businesses emerge in a neighborhood, beautification offers, and property values rise. How it has played out in reality is the degradation of historic neighborhoods of color, the displacement of people,…[Read more]
Shanai Beime commented on the post, Week 3 responses, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly wrote a new post on the site Ethnic Diversity in the City Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some guidelines for f […] ViewFor this week’s reading the focus was on segregation. Although I never believed we lived in a post racial society, but I had always thought segregation was a thing of the past. I thought this country was moving forward with much progression. What these readings made me realize is this country has actively tried to counteract any progress that we…[Read more]
Shanai Beime commented on the post, Week 1 responses, on the site 7 years, 5 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly wrote a new post on the site Ethnic Diversity in the City Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some guidelines for f […] ViewAs a collective this week’s readings identified how cities can be characterized. Together they give a city life in a new context. Typically, I think of cities as a place where people with character live, but not in how a space itself can have a personality. However, these readings did confirm that those with power define, influence, and l…[Read more]