XINDONG ZHOU posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly edited the blog post Week 10 responses in the group Ethnic Diversity and the City: Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s r […] ViewThe violence shown in the movie Do the Right Thing just reminded me a news I read several days before which talked about living condition of African refugees in Italy. The refugees were hoping to enter France or further England instead of downsloping Italy, so they concentrated on the border between France and Italy. However, polices of both…[Read more]
XINDONG ZHOU commented on the post, Week 9 responses, on the site 7 years, 3 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly wrote a new post on the site Ethnic Diversity in the City Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some guidelines for f […] ViewThis week’s reading provides me a different view looking at refugee. According to most of social media’s reports, refugees are usually young men wandering on roads, waiting for local government’s aids. This week’s reading, on the contrary, shows me the experience of refugees, their pains, and their hopes. This is refreshing for understanding the…[Read more]
XINDONG ZHOU posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly edited the blog post Week 8 responses in the group Ethnic Diversity and the City: Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some g […] ViewThis week’s reaings open a new window for me. It is quite astonishing to know that there are many cities called Sanctuary City. These cities protect undocumented immigrants and resist Donald Trump’s order, which make them look brilliant and selfless. But then an interesting question rises: if they are so dedicated to protecting undocumented…[Read more]
XINDONG ZHOU commented on the post, Week 7 responses, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly wrote a new post on the site Ethnic Diversity in the City Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some guidelines for f […] ViewIn this week’s reading, I am so astonished that in the quota system even Europeans were classified by their geographical locations. I used to think “white” as a shared character for all whites, which made white immigrants acceptable to American whites. But actually some whites were not seen as “white”, or not the right kind of white, and thus be…[Read more]
XINDONG ZHOU posted a new activity comment 7 years, 4 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly edited the blog post Week 4 responses in the group Ethnic Diversity and the City: Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some g […] ViewI have heard many other incidents like this week’s reading and came out with the similar outcome but one: Peter Liang’s manslaughter at Akai Gurley. Liang was threatened by Gurley and thus dischared accidentally, while the bullet hit the wall and then rebounded into Gurley’s chest. Liang would be sentenced for more than 10 years. Although due to a…[Read more]
XINDONG ZHOU commented on the post, Week 3 responses, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly wrote a new post on the site Ethnic Diversity in the City Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some guidelines for f […] ViewThis week’s reading helped me understand why whites flee from their communities when Asians move in. However, their reason–Asian children are too competitive, from my point of view, is very ridiculous. In China, people do every thing they can to move to a community with residents of higher education and better schools, because they want their…[Read more]
XINDONG ZHOU commented on the post, Week 2 responses, on the site 7 years, 5 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly wrote a new post on the site Ethnic Diversity in the City Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some guidelines for f […] ViewThe reading confused me a lot. I am taking DOC 1 in this quarter as well, and I read that black leaders were intend to build blacks’ own community. However, the reading of this week said before 20th century, blacks lived with whites. This confused me indeed. But the more confusing thing I read is that as industrialization went on and blacks in…[Read more]
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Ethnic Diversity and the City 7 years, 5 months ago