About Me


My name is Brasilia Perez and I am a third-year Sixth College student. This year, I am an RA in Sixth as well as a discussion leader for you in Revelle. I’ve been involved in many in many jobs and organizations on campus, including working for HDH at Sixth Market, participating in OASIS as a student and mentor-in-training, and dancing ballet folklorico in UCSD’s student-run group BFLJDM. *If you’ve heard of Sixth College’s Chocolate Festival, I ran that event last year!* I am also a study abroad returnee. During Fall Quarter of my second year (2017), I lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina for about four months. I loved my experience and would love to talk about it in office hours if you have any questions.

I am excited to share this space with you this fall in FYE and I hope I can serve as a tool for you to feel more comfortable and confident in pursuing the opportunities UCSD has to offer you.