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Humans in general

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Humans in general

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“Ugly” wood does not exist, and there does not exist a tree whose wood has not found its specific application” (Levi, 107). Just like wood, there are no “useless” or “ugly” humans whereas under fascism, certain groups, that did not “fit” the ideology of the fascist regimes were humiliated and even exterminated. This was prominent in Germany under Adolf Hitler. First of all, every life on earth is precious and should be acknowledged and celebrated. Anti-fascist thinking can help people set aside their differences and can help them come together. A question that came up while thinking about this, is how far we should go with Anti-fascist thinking (example: Antifa).


Wortschatz had become and essential factor of survival…[and] literally, [meant] “treasure of words”; never was a term more appropriate. Knowing German meant life: I only had to look around me (Levi, 95). I think that without a good “Wortschatz”, humans would not be able to express themselves and communicate their ideas with each other. Just how neurons communicate with each other electrically, humans communicate with each other verbally. Through Fascism, communication between humans was being suppressed and therefore opposing opinions where shut down and not allowed. Take Germany for example, where they would brainwash the youth and feed them ideologies through the usage of different communication methods. There is a great movie called “The wave” which I recommend watching (It is based on a true story). Moreover, through the communication between neurons (who act as information messengers), our body can function properly just like humans have to communicate and exchange views and ideas to have a functional society.


Old New Date Created Author Actions
October 6, 2020 at 3:48 pm NICHOLAS FLEISCHNER
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