Youtube algorithm uniting people unexpectedly

I came across this song randomly one evening. It caught my attention for some reason. Not because it’s a Japanese song in an American 90’s rock-n-roll playlist. It’s the grooves and the way the music feel. It was just pleasantly pleasing. I could close my eyes and just listen to the song. When I went to read the comment I saw that there are hundreds of people who were experiencing the same thing I was experiencing. A random YouTube recommendation of some 1980’s Japanese music. Like other commenters, I had no idea what this song was about. More than half of the song is in Japanese with some occasional English phases like “Im Sorry” “Don’t Hurry”. From the Rhythm of music I felt this sense of urgency. Suddenly the singer began repeatedly sing this English phrase,

“I’m just playing games
I know that’s plastic love
Dance to the plastic beat
Another morning comes”

then the song end. Listening to this song for the second time gave me all kind of mixed emotions. The music is pleasing and relaxing. But at the same time it’s creating this sense of urgency contrasted with a sudden shout of “Don’t Hurry”. The language barrier made me curious of what she is saying. but at the same time I felt like I understood what she was saying. At that point I just gave and said to myself “it doesn’t matter that the song is about, it feel relatable and I enjoy it.”

Schiller’s ideas made me think about this song. A random 1980’s Japanese song uniting people from across the world. It one of those thing that’s just pleasing and we don’t have to know what it’s about to enjoy it.

would you rather fight one 100x chicken or 100 normal size chicken?

Kant began section I by saying that there is nothing in the world that is good except good will, “it is impossible to think of anything at all in the world … that could be considered good without limitation except a good will”

People can be good to others everyday but if their intentions are ill intended then their actions cannot be consider good. Consider the following scenario; you are at your relative house for dinner and they are discussing the Australian Fire. Then one of your cousin had a bright idea and told the family, ‘let’s all pull out our phones and donate money to help’, one by one everybody donate 5-50 dollars. You are sitting there with your phone out feeling pressured to do as others are doing so you donate 10 dollars just to do it, while your little bother donated 5 dollars, his weekly allowance. If Kant were to rate your action vs your little bother’s action he would place your bother’s action above your, because he had good intentions and good intentions goes along way. He donate all the money he have now and next week and the week after, soon at add up more than your single donation. Doing one good deed for the sake of it cannot hold up to multiple smaller deed.

Here come dat boi!

Hey all, I’m Dat Ta. I’m a computer science major, I like everything computer and technology related. On my spare time I like to play video games, mainly Minecraft and Starcraft. I have a small small small collection of just 50 HotWheels still in their packaging, hung up on the wall. My favorite books in the HUM sequence is between the Aeneid and Njal Saga, reading is not something I enjoy doing. However I very much enjoy reading these 2 titles. I guess it because their journey through life is very different from our; I may even say that it’s basically impossible to have such life, in today’s time, without being considered a maniac. Yet these people are heroic. It’s much easier to appreciate the past than the present.

“I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them” – Andy Bernard (The Office)

This is my favorite song .

However my all time favorite is
Queen – Don’t Stop Me Now and
Journey – Don’t Stop Believin’