ALEXANDER GARCIA replied to the topic Week 9 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 2 months ago
The Theme of the Week: The Right to Marry, the Right to Exist.
This photograph was chosen as a result of it being able to convey the very right of marriage and to exist. The right to marriage has been a contested subject in the United States in which resulted in the exclusion of many LGBTQ+ individuals from ever attaining such a right. Moreover,…[Read more]
ALEXANDER GARCIA replied to the topic Week 8 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 2 months ago
Theme of the Week: Illegality and civil rights continued
This painting relates to a significant, Supreme Court case with regards to the civil rights of undocumented individuals. Plyler v. Doe was a case that involved the state of Texas withholding funds for the public education of undocumented immigrants. By doing this, the state of Texas was…[Read more]
ALEXANDER GARCIA replied to the topic Week 7 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 2 months ago
Theme of the Week: Illegality and Civil Rights
The classification systems of the legal system in the United States has divided and dehumanized entire groups of individuals. Multitudes of individuals have had their voices be diminished simply because of a label. The attached photo highlights this reality. There are thousands of people who come t…[Read more]
ALEXANDER GARCIA replied to the topic Week 6 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 3 months ago
Week’s Theme: Legalized Islamophobia and the War on Terror
This photo was chosen because I believe it highlights the difference between the letter and the spirit of the law and how that distinction relates to legalized Islamophobia and the war on terror. The photo has a phrase in which states, “I Watch You.” This phrase is what the Patriot Act…[Read more]
ALEXANDER GARCIA replied to the topic Week 5 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 3 months ago
Theme: Japanese American internment (incarceration)
This photo that I have chosen is the cover of the book, Farewell To Manzanar. The cover of the book has multitudes of pictures on it, such as the Manzanar site, Jeanne Wakatsuki Housten as a young child, the family of Jeanne Wakatsuki Housten before her family was disbanded, and the American f…[Read more]
ALEXANDER GARCIA commented on the doc Recommended resources in the group
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 3 months ago
As mentioned in class, Farewell to Manzanar is a book that explores the atrocities of Japanese internment camps through the eyes of a seven year old Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston. The book is deeply fascinating as it portrays the same sense of hopelessness and anxiety of those who were unjustly interned at the Manzanar…[Read more]
ALEXANDER GARCIA replied to the topic Week 4 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 3 months ago
Theme of the Week: Malcolm X and James Baldwin
The date on which the photo was taken is August 1948. The photograph captures both African-American and white people coming together to protest the egregious policy of Jim Crow laws. The photograph takes place a few years before the Civil Rights Era, yet it conveys a realization that both Malcolm X…[Read more]
ALEXANDER GARCIA replied to the topic Week 3 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 3 months ago
Theme: Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X
This photo serves as a symbolic representation of the two dominating means of protest during the Civil Rights Era of the 1960s. On the left, is Martin Luther King Jr. who possesses a calm demeanor in which symbolizes the manner of protesting that he advocated for. On the right, is Malcolm X whose d…[Read more]
ALEXANDER GARCIA replied to the topic Week 3 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 3 months ago
Theme: Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcom X
This photo captures a significant moment in the Civil Rights Era of the 1960s. The significance of this photo is that this was the one and only moment that the two, prominent leaders of civil change in the United States met. There was no other time in which MLK Jr. and Malcom X had met before and, in a…[Read more]
ALEXANDER GARCIA replied to the topic Week 2 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 4 months ago
This photo captures the image of activist DeRay Mckesson being arrested as a result of the manner of his protesting. DeRay Mckesson and other activists were raising awareness to the public of the death of Philando Castile who was shot and killed by a police officer. The scene in which the photo captures conveys a sense of seriousness and intensity…[Read more]
ALEXANDER GARCIA joined the group
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 4 months ago
ALEXANDER GARCIA replied to the topic Members in the forum 6 years, 4 months ago
This photo captures the image of activist DeRay Mckesson being arrested as a result of the manner of his protesting. DeRay Mckesson and other activists were raising awareness to the public of the death of Philando Castile who was shot and killed by a police officer. The scene in which the photo captures conveys a sense of seriousness and intensity…[Read more]