Christine Emuka commented on the post, Week 9 responses, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly wrote a new post on the site Ethnic Diversity in the City Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some guidelines for f […] ViewThis week’s discussion on refugees has been pretty interesting. It’s a topic that I have only really heard about whether by news, social media, or just in passing. I have really been given the opportunity to have a though discussion about the subject, and the class gave really good pointers on the issues. Thinking about why I have never really bee…[Read more]
Christine Emuka posted a new activity comment 7 years, 4 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly edited the blog post Week 3 responses in the group Ethnic Diversity and the City: Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some g […] ViewI think the piece “How Segregation Defined San Diego Neighborhoods” particularly stood out to me the most being that we go to school in La Jolla, a sub city of San Diego. Living a rich, white conservation part of San Diego, you can see how the effects of race and segregation have sculpted the city. In terms of the articles phrase “cruel reali…[Read more]
Christine Emuka commented on the post, Week 2 responses, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly wrote a new post on the site Ethnic Diversity in the City Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some guidelines for f […] ViewThe American Apartheid article relates to a novel that I has just stumbled upon called “Black Metropolis” by St. Clair Drake and Horace Clayton. Another peer and I were discussing how a lot of the current civil unrest in Chicago was brought upon by previous generations of socioeconomic inequalities. When black people started migrating in large…[Read more]
Christine Emuka joined the group
Ethnic Diversity and the City 7 years, 4 months ago
Christine Emuka's profile was updated 7 years, 4 months ago