Tag: conference
Virtual timeline used to open the UCSD Org Council for Social Justice in the University winter conference
On January 15, 2020, the UCSD Org Council for Social Justice in the University held their winter conference. Co-organizer Bobby Edwards, a graduate student in the History Department, reached out to use the Tell Us How UC It: A Living Archive project student activism timeline to open the event with a brief history and memory…
Presentation at the Librarians Association of the University of California – Berkeley 2019 Conference
Members of the project were invited to present at the Berkeley chapter of the Librarians Association of the University of California (LAUC) 2019 conference. The theme was “Shelf Awareness: The Intersections of Social Justice and Critical Librarianship. It was a welcome opportunity to take a step back from project activities to think critically about the…
Poster Presentation at the University of California Digital Library Forum at UC San Diego
Members of the project presented a poster for the second University of California Digital Library Forum (DLFx) at UC San Diego. The conference brings together UC librarians, digital technology experts, educators and other leaders from across UC to share insights and experiences and seek new opportunities for collaboration.
Panel presentation at the Diversity in Academic Libraries Interest Group showcase for the 2018 California Academic and Research Libraries conference
The DIAL (Diversity in Academic Libraries) Interest Group showcase for the 2016 California Academic and Research Libraries (CARL) conference addressed the library’s role in responding to the growing societal unrest of their marginalized communities via a discussion of the Black Lives Matter movement and a showcase of best practices that California academic libraries/librarians might utilize…
Poster Presentation at the 2017 California Library Association Conference
Members of the Tell Us How UC It project presented a poster at the 2017 California Library Association Conference themed “New World Emerge.” The poster was titled “Losing sight of the shore: navigating your way to a living archive.”
Poster Presentation of project at 2017 American Library Association Annual Conference & Exhibition
Members of the Tell Us How UC It project presented a poster at the 2017 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference & Exhibition themed “The Librarians Call to Action.” The poster was titled “Born from a storm: Creating a living archive to affect social issues in your community.”