The Tell Us How UC It timeline presents events and incidents from UC San Diego’s history (and in some cases, history in general) that affected the campus climate for students in such a way that they were compelled to act or react. A diligent group of librarians researched various sources of information and talked with faculty members to establish this timeline by decade from the 1960s to the present.
The text for each event is a direct quotation from the cited source.
The events provided are by no means comprehensive. Rather, the selected events document parts of a larger history and are meant to inspire further research and conversation.
If you would like to add to the timeline, share your memories, or give feedback, please submit this form or feel free to comment below as you browse the timeline. (Be sure to include the title of the timeline event you’re referring to, if applicable. )
To navigate the timeline, click the arrows to use the slideshow or click and hold the timeline to drag to a specific date. Or browse by decade below.
Browse the timeline by decade in the UC San Diego Library’s Digital Collections website.