Our Story

The Tell Us How UC It: A Living Archive project is a grassroots effort created by a diverse group of four women at the UC San Diego Library as an alternative way to highlight awareness, provide a space for dialogue, preserve and document the events related to student activism at UC San Diego.

Team presents on the project at the Joint Conference of Librarians of Color Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, from left to right, Cristela Garcia-Spitz, Tamara Rhodes, Rachel Myers, and Gayatri Singh, September 29, 2018.

During the presidential campaign in April 2016, like on many other campuses, a number of Trump chalkings appeared on the UC San Diego campus. One of the targeted locations was in front of La Raza Resource Centro, our Latinx/Chicanx campus community center.  

As a response, the Black Graduate Student Association and the Graduate Student Association co-hosted a Race Relations Town Hall, which got us thinking about how we can support our community in this moment.

These incidents were not new and they affect ALL students, underrepresented or not, and demonstrate the need for conversations about the way students experience UC San Diego’s campus climate.

Tell Us How UC It is also in collaboration with Project STAND, a national initiative to document student activism.