Tag: poster
Poster Presentation at the University of California Digital Library Forum at UC San Diego
Members of the project presented a poster for the second University of California Digital Library Forum (DLFx) at UC San Diego. The conference brings together UC librarians, digital technology experts, educators and other leaders from across UC to share insights and experiences and seek new opportunities for collaboration.
Poster presentation at the 3rd National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color
Members of the Tell Us How UC It project presented a poster at the 3rd National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color on September 26-30, 2018. The conference theme was “Gathering all Peoples: Embracing Culture & Community” and the poster was titled “#Staywoke: using living archives to build bridges to the future by reflecting on…
Poster Presentation at the 2017 California Library Association Conference
Members of the Tell Us How UC It project presented a poster at the 2017 California Library Association Conference themed “New World Emerge.” The poster was titled “Losing sight of the shore: navigating your way to a living archive.”
Poster Presentation of project at 2017 American Library Association Annual Conference & Exhibition
Members of the Tell Us How UC It project presented a poster at the 2017 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference & Exhibition themed “The Librarians Call to Action.” The poster was titled “Born from a storm: Creating a living archive to affect social issues in your community.”