TritonArts Gallery – non traditional Gallery Context
Triton Arts believes that any place, however small, large, public or private, can be an exhibition space for art. Therefore, we founded a gallery in Fall 2015 to provide more opportunities for all UCSD students interested in art to showcase their work in the Visual Arts Department. Through this gallery, Triton Art was able to provide ten different undergraduate Visual Arts students as well as one alumni with their first opportunity in solo exhibition building.
Past Exhibitions:
- The Village: a solo exhibition by Danielle Robbins
- Drink Blue, Eat Orange: a solo photo exhibition by Jake Cushnir
- After Hours, a solo show by Christian Duarte
- Self-Destruction: a solo show by Daniel Hongkuk Song
- Concepts in Dance: a solo show Ignatius Iggy Nguyen
- PROPAGANDA, a solo photographic exhibition by Emily Zheng
- Cigarette: a solo exhibition by Jack Fatheree
- A Life · Alive: a solo exhibition by Jia Chen
- Vietnam: Untitled I – Photos by Nancy Vazquez
- RGB, a solo exhibition by Brad Stevenson
- F 8.0 – Group Film Photo Exhibition
The Village: A Solo Exhibition by Danielle Robbins
Undergraduate, Visual Arts (Media) student, Danielle Robbins presents, The Village, an exhibition of photography that investigates light, color, line, and shape in the architecture and spaces of Carlsbad, California.
Drink Blue, Eat Orange: A Solo Photo Exhibition by Jake Cushnir
Undergraduate Visual Arts Minor, Jake Cushnir, presents “Eat Orange, Drink Blue”: a solo photography exhibition. His show explores dichotomies of color, geography and process. It includes prints from around the world, both film and digital.
After Hours, A Solo Show by Christian Duarte
Undergraduate Communication major and Photography minor student, Christian Duarte, presents After Hours—a solo photography exhibition that explores the way spaces are changed by artificial and ambient lighting. The exhibition includes prints made from scanned color negative film.
Self-Destruction: A Solo Show by Daniel Hongkuk Song
UC San Diego Visual Arts alumnus, Daniel Hongkuk Song presents, “(Self) Destruction”: a mixed-media exhibition. His show seeks to present an alienating violence using photographic prints and installations.
Concepts in Dance: A Solo Show Ignatius Iggy Nguyen
Undergraduate Visual Arts student, Ignatius Iggy Nguyen, presents Concepts in Dance: Light and Shadow. Ignatius “Iggy” Nguyen is a 4th year undergraduate student at UC San Diego majoring in the Visual Arts – Media program. His works in photography draws deep influence from his journey of being a dancer and his love of Hip Hop. Concepts in Dance: Light and Shadow is a series of photographs that captures dancers from the UC San Diego dance community in artificial light sources.
PROPAGANDA, a solo photographic exhibition by Emily Zheng
This is the reception for PROPAGANDA, a solo photographic exhibition by Emily Zheng, a UC San Diego Visual Arts ’16 alumnus. A work in progress, PROPAGANDA is inspired by gestures made by political revolutionaries of the 20th century. Images of hands and hooded figures play against one another to create disquieting contrasts and tensions.
Cigarette: a solo exhibition by Jack Fatheree
UC San Diego Visual Arts undergraduate student Jack Fatheree presents CIGARETTE, a series of analog photographic prints. These photos, taken at the Salton Sea and in the surrounding towns, document the objects left behind by residents and visitors as they dissolve back into the environment of this ecological disaster zone.
A Life · Alive: a solo exhibition by Jia Chen
UC San Diego Visual Arts undergraduate student Jia Chen presents A Life · Alive, this solo photography exhibition is presenting a collection of documentary photograph on south California life through landscape, portrait, typical mundane or symbolic objects in last spring and summer.
Vietnam: Untitled I – Photos by Nancy Vazquez
Nancy Vazquez is an undergraduate senior pursuing a B.A. in Visual Arts as a Media Major. Her work focuses on concepts dealing with the self, home, family, and community both at home and internationally.
RGB, A Solo Exhibition by Brad Stevenson
A solo exhibition by Brad Stevenson, a recent graduate from UC San Diego Music Department, majoring in ICAM-Music (Interdisciplinary Computing & The Arts Major).
He takes a personal approach to crafting computer-based artwork, blending his experience with music, programming and color theory to spelunk the digital unconscious with a self-made system of visual instrumentation. RGB is a collection of improvised work created in this manner, with each piece manifesting as a unique examination of the subliminal relationship between digital tools and human instinct.
F 8.0 – Group Film Photo Exhibition
F 8.0 is a group exhibition from VIS 165, a class about material and conceptual analog photography practices. All the prints have been shot in film and hand processed in the darkroom. Based off the connecting themes across the student artwork, this show focuses on two ideas, the concept of a road trip and the surrounding landscapes, and also the human body and form.