Ana Hernandez is born and raised in San Diego. In this interview she speaks about her experience with the Barrio Logan College Institute (BLCI) and how the program has impacted her life. She also talks about her transition from high school to college, her most rewarding experiences, how she feels BLCI helped prepare her for college, and how she feels BLCI can continue to improve its programs for future students. The interview was conducted at BLCI. The interviewer is Sonia Valadez, a 4th year Political Science and Ethnic Studies major student at UCSD who is also a first-generation college student who grew up in Fresno, CA. Sonia felt a deep connection to the interviewee and the Barrio Logan community, which reminded her of her roots and her community that is predominantly Hispanic with higher crime rates and low-income households. Sonia wanted to hear about the interviewee’s college experience and how BLCI has helped her, since Sonia also faced much hardship trying to attend college without any support from the community.
June 13, 2019