Visiting the Barrio Logan College Institute (BLCI) was an eye-opening experience that impacted me. We interacted with students across various age groups, from kindergarten to college prep classes, which gave me a broad perspective on the challenges and aspirations of young learners.

One significant observation was that many BLCI students struggle with English. As an international student who learned English as a second language, I could relate to their experiences. I remember the difficulties I faced while trying to master a new language and keep up with my studies. This connection made me more empathetic and motivated to help them in any way I could.

Talking with the younger children was particularly enjoyable. Their infectious enthusiasm and curiosity reminded me of the importance of making learning fun and engaging. The older students, especially those preparing for college, shared their dreams and obstacles, and they’ve found the critical role that programs like BLCI play in providing essential support and guidance.

Furthermore, engaging with the students and hearing their stories underscored the importance of community support. Even small gestures, like teaching a lesson or simply being there to listen, can significantly impact someone’s educational situation. Someone’s reinforced the idea that we all have a role in helping each other succeed. The visit to BLCI was profoundly impactful. It deepened my appreciation for educational support programs and inspired me to continue finding ways to contribute. It also reminded me of my journey in learning English and the importance of supporting others facing similar challenges.