I had the privilege to interview Cynthia Juarez who is 15 years old, has lived in San Diego her whole life, who identifies herself as Hispanic, and who has been involved within the Barrio Logan College Institute since her 4th grade. In this interview, Cynthia shares about her early and current life experiences within the community of San Diego as well as her work in BLCI. She also shares her personal perspective on being involved within BLCI for such a long time and how BLCI has benefited her family, education, and her life overall. This interview covers topics such as early education, identity, being a person who has only lived in San Diego her whole life, and the impacts of a college preparation program on a young child growing up. I met my interviewee while a group and I were volunteering at BLCI and the interview was recorded in person at Barrio Logan College Institute. The interview was conducted by Juliana Villani, a second year Business Economics major at the University of California – San Diego who is interested in learning more about ethnic studies within the city of San Diego and within different cultures.