Reflecting on my time at BLCI, I really loved helping out and getting to know people with different stories and backgrounds. Although it was only a few weeks of volunteering, the Wednesdays spent helping the elementary schoolers with their career workshops or the high schoolers out with their scholarship applications were very rewarding and memorable experiences. The younger children’s laughs and excitement and the older students’ evident dedication really highlighted the positive impact of BLCI’s programs. These moments not only made my volunteering time enjoyable but also deepened my appreciation for the role that education and a supportive community plays in shaping the lives of kids. The teachers were also so welcoming at BLCI, which helped make the environment so easygoing and enjoyable. Spending time at BLCI made me feel more as a part of the community, as opposed to just a resident attending school  here. 

One part of this experience that I really enjoyed was meeting and getting to know my interviewee, Wendy. I could instantly tell how much passion she had for both local and global community service. Talking to her about her visions for her future was refreshing and inspiring. Her enthusiasm was so contagious, and her dedication so commendable, which reinforced the values of BLCI that I admire. Overall, my time at BLCI was one that got me out of my comfort zone and deepened my connection to a community I have come to deeply respect.