The Race and Oral History class has the most unique curriculum I’ve seen in UCSD. Most courses give you theory and then some practice but ROHP gives you pure experience. From looking through files from decades ago to recording history from first eye witnesses, this course makes you dive in directly into what it means to record history.

I had the chance to interview Windi Sasaki, the Associate Director of the APIMEDA Programs and Services who provided me with great insight about what the organization is about and how it came to be. She also mentioned her personal motivations on joining APIMEDA Programs and Services and her work in the organization. Information like this is very useful for recording history as it provides some context into a period of time and helps researchers get a complete picture of a certain recorded event.

Thanks to Windi and this class, I was able to understand more about UCSD and get a better understanding about the importance of oral history.