Visiting the Barrio Logan College Institute (BLCI) was an eye-opening experience. Our group got to meet students of all ages, from kindergarteners to those getting ready for college, and it was really cool to talk to them and learn about their lives.

Talking with the younger kids was a lot of fun. Their energy and curiosity were infectious and reminded me how important it is to make learning fun and engaging. The older students, especially those in college prep classes, had some amazing stories about their goals and the challenges they face. Hearing their experiences made me realize just how crucial places like BLCI are in providing the support they need to succeed.

One of the highlights of our visit was teaching an 8th-grade class. It was a bit challenging at first, but it ended up being incredibly rewarding. I learned a lot about how to communicate with younger students, making sure they understood and stayed interested in what we were talking about. It definitely improved my communication skills and taught me a lot about patience and empathy.

Spending time with the students and listening to their stories showed me how important it is to be involved in the community. Even small efforts, like teaching a lesson or simply being there to listen, can make a big difference in someone’s education. It reminded me that education is a team effort and that everyone can play a part in it.

Overall, visiting BLCI was an awesome experience. It made me appreciate the importance of educational programs that support communities and showed me the value of giving back. I’m excited to stay involved and help out in any way I can to support these students on their educational journeys.