After taking some time to reflect on my oral history and community partner experience, it was clear to me that this project was full of struggles, successes, and lessons along the way. I would describe the experience as being insightful, rewarding, and nuanced in its totality. This partnership with Mira Costa and its aspiring junior college students allowed me the opportunity to learn about some of these passionate activists and ethnic studies enthusiasts. The entire process from learning why conducting oral histories is important, to learning the appropriate way to go about them, to holding the interview was eye-opening, but also challenging. In my experience this quarter, it was very difficult contacting prospective oral history narrators because the first four that I attempted to connect with either were not interested or never responded to my initial introductory message. Nevertheless, after several attempts, I was fortunate enough to find a student in that same Mira Costa Ethnic Studies class involved in a unique form of activism based around her campus as well as the greater Oceanside area. Something that I found surprising, but welcomed, was the fact that my narrator was very forthcoming about personal aspects of her life that were shaping for her. She spoke to her beliefs and morals with passion, using her talents to try and inspire change in our world. Lastly, it was very important to conduct the oral history and work with our community partner while demonstrating care and reciprocity. One of the ways we achieved this dynamic was by workshopping and conversing both in person and through Zoom about the goals of this project. Avoiding just gathering information to make a collaborative effort in honoring this individual’s personal story and history made the experience so much more enriching.