I truly enjoyed volunteering at BLCI, where I had the opportunity to not only engage with the children there but also connect with various kids on a personal level. My time at BLCI primarily involved assisting and engaging with children between the ages of 10 and 18, an experience that left a profound impact on me. Growing up, I never had access to programs like BLCI in my communities, making it all the more enlightening to witness the positive effects it had on the students’ education and their life in general. Whether through tutoring services, guidance on college or different career opportunities, or simply providing a supportive environment, BLCI significantly enriches the lives of its students. I was particularly struck by the emphasis on parental involvement within BLCI that helps foster strong connections within the San Diego community.

The energy of both the children and the staff members made my experience at BLCI truly enjoyable. It was evident that the students found joy in attending the program, with none appearing coerced. Moreover, I was impressed by the maturity and drive displayed by the older students, who clearly had bright visions for their future endeavors.

One standout individual from my experience was Cynthia, a remarkably sweet and optimistic young girl who I had the privilege to interview. Despite her age, Cynthia displayed a level of knowledge about college and career aspirations like no other high school sophomore I’ve ever talked with.

In conclusion, my time at BLCI was both fulfilling and inspiring. Witnessing the active involvement of young children in their community and the incredible educational support they received left a lasting impression on me.