Working with the third graders at Barrio Logan College Institute (BLCI) has been an empowering experience; it has brought to light the limitless potential and creativity in young minds. Getting to know many of these kids personally, engaging with them about their dreams or what they enjoy has been most rewarding: talking about glimpses not only of the goings-on of this child but also much of the effect that BLCI has on furthering growth and development.

The project began with a simple yet profound task: asking the students what they love about BLCI and what they want to be when they grow up. The answers were as varied and lively as the children themselves. Some kids mentioned the supportive atmosphere at BLCI, while others pointed out joy from particular subjects or activities in which they feel good, like art, science, or sports. Many talk about their created friendships and the strong sense of community present in BLCI. All these answers show that BLCI is not just an educational institution but a second home where students feel valued and are encouraged to explore interests.

Once these heartwarming and inspiring replies have been gathered, the next step is to put these into personal booklets for each student. This included transcribing the children’s words and illustrations, as well as designing treatment to try to capture the unique personality of each child through their booklet. The excitement and anticipation of the reveal that we would experience in the next phase, knowing this booklet would be a real memory for the students of what they dreamt of and the entire BLCI community, grew as we worked on these booklets.

That was quite a special moment when we returned the booklets to the students.

We can never forget the smiles and pride on their faces as they flipped through the pages. To see what they aspire to be documented in a booklet is quite an affirmation of who they could become, not just any gift but a token of belief in their future and a reminder that their dreams are valid.

The pamphlets inspired them and encouraged the students to work hard and believe in themselves. In my reflections, I realized that in this project, I was designing booklets and designing a sense of worth and possibility for these young students. It was also a more profound impression that each child has their unique dreams and voices that need to be heard and supported. The project showed the importance of supportive educational environments, such as BLCI, which would play a significant role in fostering aspiration and confidence within students. Working with this group of third graders has been an inspirational and learning journey. In addition, I learned how changing is an organization oriented to community development like BLCI for the people whose lives it touches. It has enforced my ideas around the need to encourage and celebrate young minds’ dreams. I can only hope that these booklets will be a lasting reminder of the great potential within them and that a bright future is still to come for each of these students.