Members of the project collaborated with Dr. Erica Bender and Matthew Nelson, from UC San Diego’s Teaching and Learning Commons, and Fnann Keflezighi, Thurgood Marshall College Assistant Director of Residential Life, to create two workshops for their staff to aid in their discussions and planning for their equity, diversity, and inclusion practices and efforts. Members gave a presentation titled “The past is present. About Tell Us How UC It: A Living Archive and UC San Diego’s campus climate” and contributed the physical student activism timeline banners for a month-long exhibit in their spaces.Read More →

The DIAL (Diversity in Academic Libraries) Interest Group showcase for the 2016 California Academic and Research Libraries (CARL) conference addressed the library’s role in responding to the growing societal unrest of their marginalized communities via a discussion of the Black Lives Matter movement and a showcase of best practices that California academic libraries/librarians might utilize in their own efforts. For its 2018 showcase, with the conference’s theme being “Libraries Respond: Connecting with our Communities in Times of Crisis,” DIAL continued with this structure with a broader focus on marginalized communities in general, with some attention to the government’s decision to end the Deferred Action forRead More →