As the quarter comes to an end I feel extremely satisfied with my interview.  I felt as if I connected a bunch to my interviewee. The person I interviewed, Ivvan Reyna, who works at the Raza Resource Centro really gave me one of the best experiences when it comes to an interview. Ivvan is only 2 years older than me so it felt like I was just talking to a friend the entire time during the interview. Even though the interview was only around 25 minutes it felt like we talked about so much in so little time. I felt a real connection when I was talking to him and it was a surprise we had so much in common even though we are from two completely different ethnic backgrounds! I was really excited heading into the interview and it did not disappoint. I gave my utmost respect and attention to Ivvan during the interview and it was great for him to give us a story and how the Raza impacted Ivvan’s life. As a biology major this was an extremely different kind of approach to a course from what I usually do so this was a breath of fresh air which made this class so enjoyable and made me really connect and get closer to Ivvan and the community at the Raza! I am grateful I had the opportunity to learn more about someone’s personal story and to hear how similar me and Ivvan grew up made it much more enjoyable to listen to Ivvan’s story! Working with the Raza was also a joy I was able to uncover so much about the history of MEChA at UCSD and all these historical events that occurred. I really enjoyed this course as a whole because as a biology major I was able to understand people’s stories a lot more and taking that over for when I join the medical field understanding where people are coming from is a huge value to have and this course was able to teach me that!