The follow-up after the interview is just as important as a good start.

4.1 Make a copy of the interview

  • If the interview is conducted over zoom, download and create a copy of the interview audio or video for yourself and for the interviewee. Remember Zoom recordings expire after 30 days.
  • Check to make sure the file plays properly.
  • Rename each file in this format:  LastnameFirstname_Date(4-digit year, 2-digit month, 2-digit day. (For example, FloresSylvia_2020-04-29.mp4). For interviews with multiple parts, add _Interview#_File#. (For example, FloresSylvia_2020-04-29_01.mp4). 

4.2 Transcribe the interview 

Follow the best practices from the Transcription workshop slides.

  • Transcribe and verify the information has been captured correctly.
  • Upon receiving or downloading the interview, you may begin to transcribe the interview. Note: you may have to re-listen to the interview a couple of times.
  • Transcription should be completed by the end of week 9.

4.3 Thank & Get the transcript approved by the interviewee

After completing the transcription of the interview, check back on the interview (this may require listening to it again) for any names, words, or places that may not sound clear or questionable. Verify the facts and spelling of proper names and places with the interviewee.

Follow this tutorial on what to include when you send the thank you note.

After fact checking and editing the transcription, you should make a copy to send to the interviewee, along with a thank you note. Allow them some time to read and review the interview to approve, suggest edits, or redact any information. 

4.4 Redact or edit the interview, if needed

Follow this tutorial if the interviewee requests a portion of the interview be redacted or edited.

Redaction is the process of editing a record for sensitive information or privacy concerns. In rare occasions, the interviewee may want to redact the interview.