KNIT information for the Mellon Steering Committee

KNIT is a digital commons for UC San Diego, the San Diego Community College District, and soon San Diego State University and the University of San Diego! It allows any member to build private and public websites and discussion groups for teaching, learning, research, and public engagement.

Getting started with KNIT

Sign into KNIT by using your Active Directory credentials at

After logging in, join our KNIT discussion group by going to our group page and clicking “Request access.”

Introduce yourself (with a GIF) in the forum by following these instructions.

More information on…

General information on KNIT.

Incorporating KNIT into your teaching.

Building websites on KNIT.

Creating groups on KNIT.

Networking with other members on KNIT.

Questions, comments, or ideas? Post in our discussion group or email Erin Glass at