Marysol Gomez is an AVID Elective teacher at San Ysidro High School. She found her aspiration for teaching during college, where she tutored others. Marysol went in depth about her desire to teach high schoolers and her techniques to teach students through virtual learning. She discusses the resources that San Ysidro High School provides to students and the efforts put forward by faculty members to help the students. When asked about the eventual return to campus, she elaborated on the care that the faculty members had to ensure that the students return to a campus ready to learn and thrive. This interview covers topics including the teacher-student dynamic, student inequalities, the faculty at San Ysidro High School, and her experience as a student at UCSD.  Marysol was the community partner linking UCSD and San Ysidro High School for the oral history project.

The interview was held through a Zoom video call on May 15, 2021 in order to abide by social distancing guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. The interview was conducted by Andrew Lu, a second year General Biology major at UCSD who is interested in the community effort in the region that was brought forward during the pandemic.