Going into the oral history project, I knew I would gain valuable insights and would be contributing to the collection of oral histories that have been archived, and each of these oral histories helps to piece the collective puzzle of the local San Diego community. Although I had these expectations leading up to the interview, preparing for the interview and volunteering with the Raza Resource Centro(RRC) helped me better understand the history of the RRC and its origin, which is based on the advocacy efforts of Movimento Estudiantil Chicano/a de Aztlan (MEChA) and the Black Student Union. Throughout the volunteering sessions at the RRC this quarter, I gained a better understanding of the events and struggles that students had to endure to advocate for Chicanx-Latinx students and to foster an inclusive environment. Although the RRC opened its doors in 2014, much of the credit for its inception goes to the students who advocated for the rights of brown students and these efforts were showcased in the documents that our cohort helped archive throughout the previous weeks. After conducting my oral history interview, I gained valuable insights about the experience of a previous first generation UCSD student, Gabriela Miramontes, and her involvement with MEChA as a GBM. Her unique experiences throughout her upbringing and academics inspired her to serve her community and motivated her to provide opportunities that she did not necessarily have. The larger lesson to be gained from this experience is the importance of the collective effort of students who want to invoke change in our society. Because of the persistent efforts of students throughout the years, we have been able to move closer to a more inclusive environment where students, regardless of gender or identity, can thrive. By focusing on the oral histories of historically marginalized communities, we can gain a better understanding of the unique struggles that these communities have to deal with and we provide a platform for the stories to be heard by a larger audience. Each oral history provides a piece of the puzzle that helps better understand each ethnic community and that deeper understanding could help influence change within the community.