Barbara Ann Lizama, who is also known as Bobbie was born on August 11, 1955 on the Island of Guam in the village of Yona. Bobbie joined the Army for five years, worked in the Department of the Air Force as a human resources clerk and after getting promoted, worked as a human resource specialist for about 20 years. Bobbie is a lifetime member of the Sons and Daughters of Guam Club which allows her to stay involved in the Chamorro Community. This interview covers Bobbie Lizama’s experience in the military, moving to San Diego, Joining the Sons and Daughters of Guam Club, the importance of staying involved in the Chamorro Community, and the importance of traditions. The interview was conducted by UCSD student Ryan Okazaki on May 30th 2018 at the Sons and Daughters of Guam Club in San Diego.
August 31, 2021
Bobbie Lizama Oral History
Cristabel Otero Castaneda
Cristabel is a 5th year Cognitive Science-Design and Interaction major at UCSD
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The Race and Oral History Project is a collaboration between UC San Diego Institute of the Arts and Humanities and the UC San Diego Library.
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