First learning about Detainee Allies and the work they do was eye-opening, but working closely with the founders/organizers of, is a whole new experience. During the presentation of Detainee Allies on day one, it was pretty emotional regarding the work that they do, and the experience of detained friends. I read a few articles and followed a few social media pages that do similar work, but meeting the people who do the work behinds the scenes opens up the reality of organizing, combating injustice.

They currently have two grad student interns at SDSU, and they are the students our group will be working with. Details were blurry at first when we organized, but as more meetings comes, they become clearer. The two grad students lacked the labor power necessary to continue a newsletter they send out to detained migrants, and that’s where we come in. One of the migrants sent back the newsletters with a completed crossword, and it just brought a whole new level of interaction apart from letter writing. Our group will continue this newsletter for the upcoming months, bringing in new ideas; excited would be an understatement !