To who may find themselves behind this screen in the coming terms, you’re in for a (possibly) life-changing experience.
I am a History Major here at UCSD, and this class has become one of my favorites due to the hands-on experience it brings as a historian and community organizer. I worked with Detainee Allies, an organization that connects to, and provides resources to their detained friends.
Regardless of your major, this class has something to offer for everyone.
Hopefully this class is better structured and organized when you take it, because it was still new when I took it, so sometimes things were all over the place. Although all you will learn and experience make it worth it, along with the people you connect with and historians/writers/artists this class will introduce you to.
Something you should know beforehand is that this class is very time consuming and requires a lot of commitment. This class took up most of my time due to the readings, volunteering, volunteering, and assignments – the learning is worth it, I promise! The readings and hands-on experience shape your perspective on grassroots organizing and all the effort that goes in when working for a better reality.
Even if you are not a history or ethnic studies major, or take this pass/no-ass, I encourage you to give this class all you got.
As for the project and oral history you will have to do – oh boy. It was really fun for me learning about creating and contributing to archives, as well as collaborating with students and non-students to create something together, outside of UCSD.
Whichever partner you may end up with, you will create great relationships and hopefully become involved in grassroots organizing in the future! I wish you all the best.
In solidarity,