Final Analysis of Subject Terms: Perspective, Bias and Future Implications

In choosing my subject terms at a volume level for this collection of patrol reports from the East Sepik region, Yangoru during the early 1950’s, I approached the process with possible implications of words in mind. This meaning, understanding that words with a strong positive or negative connotation can have an impression on viewers, and…

Words and Representation: East Sepik District, Yangoru 1950’s

In choosing my subject terms, I attempted to streamline my terms to match the content of the reports. In keeping the terms for themes and other aspects of my reports grounded in the actual language, I felt it helped eliminate potentially personalized vocabulary choices on my behalf. My strategy was to call specific terms such…

Aboutness Statement for Patrol Reports of East Sepik District, Yangoru 1950’s

Aboutness statement of volume: The patrol reports from this volume discussed census information and revision, routine administration and medical inspections in the villages visited, and enforcement of hygiene practices, as observed by Officers W.M. Stokes and F.S. Martin. Agriculture and livestock management were reliable in the region, though fertility was greater along the slopes of…

Cultural Context of the East Sepik District, Yangoru from 1949-53

I was very excited to begin my research of my assigned patrol report volume, which is that of the East Sepik District, Yangoru from the years 1949 to 1953. I was intrigued whilst reading the actual patrol reports from the collection, for they are valuable primary sources from eyewitnesses of the actual colonization process. However,…

All About Margo Tannewitz

I am Margo Tannewitz, an avid reader with a boundless desire for better understanding the world that I live in. I am an aspiring writer who deeply cherishes education, and wants more than anything to better the world through the literature I craft. A large sense of my identity comes from the literature (in all…