The further I dive into the work that Detainee Allies does, I realize how much time, energy, and passion go into humanitarian projects such as theirs. It began as letter writing but has since evolved into a greater organization consisting of newsletters, informative videos, community organizing, and hosting numerous fundraisers to donate to migrants.

Also, projects like these that expose the harsh reality of detained migrants in the united states, along with their stories of life back home can take really impact one emotionally. Reading of one’s abuse and denial of medical treatment make me wish that there was more I could do. At times I had to take a break after reading intense writings. If it is hard to read, it sure as hell was unbearable to live through. That is why Detainee Allies is constantly growing and developing new ways of organizing humanitarian help.

I am honored to have been able to contribute to their work through the newsletter and transcribing letters, and look forward to what they have in store for the future.