I was able to interview two folks from the tejido group (knitting group). I interviewed them on May 30th, 2018 at Casa Familiar during their session. In the background of both interviews you can hear the laughs and convivencias of the other señoras in the group. The second person I interviewed was Maria Trejo, she is also a community member that uses the Casa Familiar services. During the interview she was working on starting a new piece for another one of the señoras and you can hear her talking about the piece and the steps as she goes along the interview. She talks about migrating to Tijuana at a young age, learning how to tejer, and her life now as a senior. She also  talks about the things that bring her joy like talking to other señoras and swimming/going to the beach! For her, this group is a form of therapy, a place where she can be herself and share experiences and feelings with others.