To locate your oral history post after publishing, go back to the homepage of the ROHP site. On the top menu, click on the organization name of your interviewee. 

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is oizruSfvMBd2qz8_9GyZsCBejyeb8GbHIcxurKi8OnQkbhPnvBc-OvGftFOBkxM34UIgenMXHfbP8ZC2-qzrucn6MHbEFaC00XGwsgj-8jIsYZJoaSo2P-y1xJrr8ju77rF1_DOe

From the organization page, you should see the title of your oral history post along with the date your post was published. 

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is emF6QLyv5OATWgCkWKA02bWucCVgnfI-Qfs6Oa8geT3PqfZTGV7GSWjipGKxV21yBIvYP0XdEV0BAGQjp8I_T8k8bYEUqgBlN642LJrtbrrO7ra6E2nWfNADY5fHhuAboXIh42JR

Click on the title link of your oral history post to verify that your post was successfully published on the site. You should see something similar to the example given below:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is cyg5Qe43fRhUMla6SBk2Yz11MwlNVzKcT2K1XACbSypzEzJJap8u-PGtoMe2IHRZCoI48TACxyqtYxqcJgXWujZloMroFZFrDbxMvf3UrZbqGUh3YGzxhO4j9Z6RjBD3ooV1InwP

Make sure your oral history post is in this order:

  1. Oral history description (synopsis)
  2. Audio file
  3. Oral history transcript

Scroll down to the bottom of the audio file to see the Author Info and the Post Info at the bottom. 

The Post Info has the list of categories that you selected in the bottom, and your full name at the top.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is jBdbv1ZXOy51FnRakNkeftw-iZN1ZGY23-sm0sx62d8_urAD6i4OwXPfLO9289IXrAclTBPiO_SrC0JmCqkvInK5kVkupAwRU2fZ8QTMrr9PvWlU-yFCXdGTJgRLqbemM5NFZcrc

You can also click on the Author Info tab to see your information. 

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 47OUObBOwJiT0P6jSNbSKSGaW4h46YTfs6ACR0xaasbpbPtGYwCNY6kSnaQddHW5kSd3b5D45OttrFgB9pZN77M15OdO5ACTKvtkwRDjxoXG-ySk6t29haYjVrg1Ovc_GigSrh5_

Corrections to your blog post

If something is not appearing correctly, login to the KNIT site and check your post. Hover your cursor over “Race and Oral History Project” on the top of the page. Select “Dashboard” in the options.

Click on the thumbtack icon and select “All Posts”.

To make changes to the category tags or title, find your post and click “Quick Edit.” Refer to 5.2 Add the featured image and category tags to your post.

The TAs, faculty or librarians will review your post before it becomes publicly available.

Now you can move on to the final step: 5.4 Submit the files to your TA.