Collecting and updating the public news about Elsevier negotiations and possible exit, with a University of California focus.
Key Resources:
- UC and Elsevier FAQ:
- UC alternative access information:
- UC San Diego alternative access information:
UC IS LEADING THE FIGHT FOR OPEN ACCESS TO RESEARCH, OpEd by UC San Diego’s faculty member, Eric Bakovic on December 30, 2018 in the The Mercury News (San Jose, CA) Authors: Eric Bakovic, Christopher M. Kelty and Karen Ottemann . UCSD access to OpEd through database subscriptions.
There is an “urgent need to accelerate the transition to open access.” This post lists scholarly communications initiatives and developments regarding Elsevier led by the University of California.
“With Plan S rapidly approaching the editorial boards of some journals are considering leaving the paywalled journals at major publishing houses and ‘flip’ their journal to open access. To prevent editors from leaving, Elsevier now appears to be willing to pay editors considerable yearly amounts to stay on.”
2018-12-19 Max Planck Digital Library to discontinue the Society’s Elsevier subscription
“The Max Planck Society, one of the world’s largest research performing organizations, counting 14,000 scientists who publish 12K new research articles a year—around 1500 of which in Elsevier journals, has mandated the Max Planck Digital Library to discontinue the Society’s Elsevier subscription when the current agreement expires on December 31, 2018.
With this move the Society joins nearly 200 universities and research institutions in Germany who have already cancelled their individual agreements with Elsevier and affirmed their support of the national-level Projekt DEAL negotiations seeking transformative agreements as a strategy to drive large scale transition of scholarly publishing to open access.
As no sustainable offer meeting DEAL’s fundamental criteria for transformation has been forthcoming, negotiations are suspended and Elsevier cut off access last July. Despite the immediate implication of lack of access to new Elsevier content from January 1, 2019, the Max Planck Society’s researchers and highest level administration provided their full support in the decision. “DEAL is fully in line with the objectives of the OA2020 Initiative, which is strongly supported by the Max Planck Society,” emphasized MPS President Martin Stratmann.” Read the full press release here– Max Planck Digital Library
2018-12-19 UC San Diego post Update on the UC’s Negotiations with Academic Journal Publishers and Potential Impacts in January 2019

CC-BY-NC 4.0 Allegra Swift. 2018
UC Libraries Journal Negotiations: FAQs
2018-12-12 In Talks With Elsevier, UCLA Reaches for a Novel Bargaining Chip: Its Faculty – Faculty asked to suspend peer review.
2018-12-07 In UC’s battle with the world’s largest scientific publisher, the future of information is at stake. By Michael Hiltzik