Update 2018-07-06 on #OA2020
Sweden 2018-05-16: “…the publisher will not give access to new subscription-based content that is published after June 30th on the publisher’s platform. Information about alternative ways to access articles can be found here.” Information about APC cost to the institution is included in this post.
*Germany: Elsevier has announced they will shut down access for those German institutions that are not willing to revert back to a license agreement though 200 research institutions that did not renew their contracts beyond 2017 (list of institutions can be found here), about 60 of them already in their second year still have access. Elsevier has come out with this public statement in this regard.
The German Rectors Conference, on behalf of DEAL, made the following statement, Elsevier negotiations and demands unacceptable for the academic community.
*UPDATE 2019-01-15 GERMANY
“Germany’s Projekt DEAL and the publisher John Wiley & Sons have entered a ground-breaking transformative agreement, in line with the objectives of the Open Access 2020 initiative … authors retain copyright and accepted articles will be published OA in Wiley journals. The national-level agreement is based on a “Publish&Read” model in which fees are paid by institutions—not for subscriptions but for open access publishing services.”

CC0 pxhere 760381
Update 2018-07-09 on #OA2020
The latest news from Wilma van Wezenbeek, Director of the TU Delft Library for the Vereniging van Universiteiten (VSNU) in The Netherlands:
Earlier this year the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) reached an agreement on the main issues with Springer Nature and Taylor & Francis. In the past months details have been fleshed out in the contract. Both publishers have now agreed to publish their contract.
Agreements about subscription fees for academic journals are made with academic publishers on behalf of all of the Dutch universities. The VSNU is currently negotiating with these publishers on the universities’ behalf. The universities are only willing to renew the subscription agreements on the condition that the publishers will make their articles available in open access. This has been achieved with many publishers, as can be read in the e-zine published earlier this year.
Tim van der Hagen, negotiator for Taylor & Francis on behalf of the VSNU and rector/chair of the executive board of Delft University of Technology: ‘As laid down in the recently signed sector agreement on higher education, our aim is to have the details of these type of contracts to be made public. This is a matter close to our hearts, as it concerns the use of public funds. We are glad that these publishers have contributed to this.’
- Taylor & Francis’ journal titles in which Dutch corresponding authors can publish open access without additional charges
- Further information about contract with Taylor & Francis
- Springer Nature’s journal titles in which Dutch corresponding authors can publish open access without additional charges
- Further information about contract with Springer Nature