Today’s #OAWeek tweets highlight 7 #UCSD student works #OpenforClimateJustice . Find all UCSD dissertations https://escholarship.org/uc/ucsd_etd & many graduate theses & UG research in @eScholarship. Any recent #UCSD student work on #climatejustice you’d like to highlight?
1/7 Quintanilla, O. (2020). Inafa’ maolek Restoring Balance through Resilience, Resistance, and Coral Reefs: A Study of Pacific Island Climate Justice and the Right to Nature. UC San Diego. ProQuest ID: Quintanilla_ucsd_0033D_19784. Merritt ID: ark:/13030/m5z662kv. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6wn683wr
- 1/7 ⬆️ Integrating multiple fields & addressing various social perspectives, Olivia Quintanilla’s PhD dissertation in ethnics studies in UC San Diego discusses indigenous action to the climate justice issue of Pacific region coral reefs. #OAWeek #OpenforClimateJustice
2/7 Villanueva, M., Dimitrova, A., & Benmarhnia, T. (2022). The Impact of Climate Shocks and Women’s Empowerment on Child Undernutrition in Mozambique. UC San Diego: Undergraduate Research Hub. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/75s3g91b
- 2/7 ⬆️ This undergraduate paper published in the Challenger: A McNair Scholars Paper Series looks at how malnutrition in children in Mozambique is compounded by climate change. #OAWeek #OpenforClimateJustice
3/7 Arab, P. (2021). The Environmental Justice Implications of Air Pollution Changes Following COVID-19 Stay at Home Policies in San Diego County. UC San Diego: Climate Science and Policy. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/5ph8m7cz
- 3/7 In this Capstone project, master student Pargoal Arab from UCSD analyzes climate justice from an innovative angle–the implications of the air quality in San Diego County impacted by the COVID-19 policies. #OAWeek #OpenforClimateJustice ⬇️
4/7 In the eye of the storm, what do we witness? Through printmaking, UCSD master student Simona Mercedes Clausnitzer @sea_simona explores the social vulnerability and inequity brought by climate change in an artistic and inspiring way. #OAWeek #OpenforClimateJustice ⬇️
- Clausnitzer, S. (2020). En el Ojo del Huracán // In the Eye of the Storm: Conceptualizing Climate Justice through Printmaking. UC San Diego: Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/24d8r7db
5/7 Melanie Herrera, a master student of Scripps Institution of Oceanography of UCSD, assesses the years of wetland and blue carbon research to optimize strategies for local climate equity, inclusiveness, and justice. #OAWeek #OpenforClimateJustice ⬇️
- Herrera, M. (2022). Catching Carbon: A Blue Carbon Assessment of San Diego Wetlands for Equitable Climate Action Planning. UC San Diego: Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/9gt456dq
6/7 A health impact assessment of the Paris LEZ done by UC San DIego master student Erika Moreno reveals the social injustice that existed and also implicates the possible equity policies for facing it.#OAWeek #OpenforClimateJustice ⬇️
- Moreno, E. (2020). Environmental Justice Implications for the Paris Low Emission Zone: A Health Impact Assessment. UC San Diego: Climate Science and Policy. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/9pb9m7hb
7/7 UCSD graduate student Elizabeth Duran assesses the environmental implications of wildfire and wildfire PM2.5 in the case study of 2007 San Diego wildfire, revealing the relation between wildfire smoke and health inequalities in low SES communities. #OAWeek #OpenforClimateJustice ⬇️
Duran, E. (2021). The environmental justice implications of wildfire smoke: Exploring differential exposure and susceptibility of the 2007 san diego fire storm (Order No. 28862993). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ University of California; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I. (2620806317). Retrieved from https://www.proquest.com/dissertations-theses/environmental-justice-implications-wildfire-smoke/docview/2620806317/se-2