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Research IT Showcase 2018 Poster Session
Date; May 16, 2018 from 2:30-5:00 pm
- Venue: Atkinson Hall Auditorium for faculty talks; exterior (lobby area) for poster session.
- The full event runs 2:30-5:00, with lightning talks in the Auditorium, beginning at 3:00.
UC San Diego Library’s Scholarly Communications will be located next to the folks from RDCP and Data Services.
This event features lightning talks by 4-5 representative faculty members highlighting research activities that have been supported by Research IT Services in FY2017-18.
We will share specific examples of Scholarly Communication engagements that will resonate with faculty attendees who may find opportunities take advantage of our services. Faculty can engage in conversation or browse informative displays and independently discover services that may benefit their research.