“Getting em up” at U.S.Naval Training Camp, Seattle, Washington. Webster & Stevens., ca. 1917 – ca.1918. The U.S. national Archives on flickr
Measuring and Communicating Your Scholarly Impact
Date: May 3, 2018 from 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Venue: BLB Classroom 3
Instructor Information: Teri Vogel, Librarian at the UC San Diego Library
Workshop Description:
Scholars and researchers, academic departments, and universities increasingly are asked to explain the impact of their research to external funders and to measure themselves against their peers. Tracking citations and attempting to measure research impact isn’t new, but in recent years the number of available tools has grown significantly. In this workshop, you will learn about these available metrics tools, both “traditional” (like Web of Science) and “alternative” (like Altmetric), how to incorporate these into the telling the story of your research impact, and learn some of the ways you can increase your visibility as a scholar. We’ll cover impact metrics for a variety of research and scholarly works, from journal articles and books to datasets.
If the date & time for the workshop does not fit your schedule, contact us to schedule a special session for you or your department.
Related LibGuide: Measuring your Research Impact
20180503_METRICS_WORKSHOP_TV_attendees_copy by Teri Vogel